
Samstag, 25. Juli 2020

Dienstag, 21. Juli 2020

King of Cups from the Pride Tarot Deck

This King of Cups is my contribution to the Pride Tarot - a collaborative 78-card tarot deck inspired by Pridefest and the achievements of the LGBTQ+ movement. Pride Tarot from U.S. Games Systems features 45 diverse artists from around the globe who share their poignant and powerful stories.

Montag, 13. Juli 2020

King of Cups

Most of the cards I originally designed for this deck depicted the tarot scene from a female point of view. But since the tarot should reflect a more inclusive perspective, I added traditionally male figures to the deck as well, mainly for the Kings and some Minor Arcana cards. For the Emperor and the four King cards, I created two versions, feminine and masculine, and have included both as bonus cards in this 83-card deck. Readers may choose which rendition they want to include in their tarot readings.

Freitag, 10. Juli 2020

Oracle of Mystical Moments in the german edition of Happinez Magazine

I'm very proud of beeing featured in the current german edition from Happinez You get a selection of 18 cards to have a look - so this is a very nice sneak peak! Thank you happinez magazine and Königsfurt-Urania Verlag

Sonntag, 5. Juli 2020